
Things To Remember On Choosing The Ideal Location Of Your House By Dallas Feng Shui

Feng shui is a sorta manual about the placement and architecture of a house to allow good flow of energy. And it isn’t just placement of the bed and couch. The position of the house and landscaping will affect the ch’i ( energy ) of the house in a big way. Let’s commence with a few tips to bear in mind when looking inspecting the location for your ideal home.

1. First and most vital, research the history of a property. Find out what occurred with the prior tenants, and the ones before them. And even the ones before them. Ask neighbors, or selling agent. If all the previous inhabitants had money Problems, family Problems, etc, probabilities are there’s bad feng shui going on. Best to move on and look for another house.

2. Focus on the road placement. The road in front of your house shouldn’t be pointing directly into your home. If a home is sitting at a dead end, in a T-intersection, or in the center of cul-de-sac, then energy is continually flowing straight down that road into the house, then building up and stagnating there. This isn’t good ; the ch’i must continue to flow, like air. If it gets stuck in your house, it can go bad.

three. Pay attention to what’s round the house. Inspect the terrain closely. Ideally, the property should have a dark turtle in the back ( a mountain or hill, another house, a row of trees, a fence, for example. ), a dragon ( a home, a tree ) to the left, a white tiger ( a smaller house or tree ) to the right, and a phoenix ( open ground, a circular flowerbed, a meandering brook or road ) in front. All those exotic names are just a neat way to state the simple -a house by itself isn’t ideal, since there is nothing to slow the flow of ch’i. Most homes will have all these things around them already, but it does not hurt to think about it your very first time seeing a place. Other stuff to think about are “poison arrows,” like telephone poles, flagpoles, or the corner of a place pointing your way. They can obstruct the energy flow to the house. Even a hospital can be a source of bad energy.

four. Something that doubtless doesn’t automatically spring to mind is the shape of the property ; but that can be very important as well . Always go for something symmetrical, like a square or a rectangle. If your property is really close to square, use hedges to fill in the spots that make it irregular. Triangle-shaped properties can create disharmony. If you just love a place and absolutely need to have an it but it is’s on a triangle-shaped lot, it’s better for the wide side to be in the back ; the other way indicates an inability to save cash.

When you visit a property, notice the shapes of the things around. I know it sounds peculiar, but sort of squint your eyes and see what you see, like you used to do as a kid, when you were taking a look at the clouds in the sky. If anything looks like something hostile, then be careful. That could be an indication of some anti-ch’i. You need enough stuff to slow the energy down to capture it but permit it to also flow.

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