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Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui literally means wind and water. Feng Shui works on a principal or understanding of the energy called qi. Qi is the life force in everything. Wind caries the Qi and water contains the qi. Qi flows everywhere on the planet. Yin and yang are also vital to this principle.

Yin and yang could be seen as polar opposites but this is a mistake. One cannot exist without the other. Yin is earth dark internal, condensation and all that is passive female, cool and decaying. Yang is heaven, bright open, male, hot, growing moving and expanding. When Yin and Yang are in good and healthy balance of each other, this creates symmetry of life giving qi. While yin/yang make up qi the five elements make up yin and yang. All things are constructed of these basic elements. They are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The elements work in a cyclical fashion. One moves to the next. Wood feeds fire, fire feeds earth, earth feed metal, metal feeds water. When these elements are in correct and balanced form, they move from one to the next similarly to the four seasons. Our lives are constantly moving through parallel cycles.

Feng shui is a system that analysis the form of yin/yang and the five elements. Feng shui take into constant consideration how all these interplay and react to one another. While considering all of these principals, the analysis cannot be complete without human, earth,and heaven forms of qi. All of these are constants. Feng shui is quick to understand how the human qi is affected by the earth qi. Having an understanding of how all these factors play and intimate role in the lives of humans is fung shui.

Feng shui seeks at its very core to analyze and act or wait. Knowing when to do either can be vital to balance in one’s life. Understanding one’s relationship to the five elements, yin/yang and qi flow can help create a harmonious relationship with one’s surroundings. Having harmony with ones surroundings can thus create inner harmony. Can one exist without the other? 

We are all connected, earth, heaven and humans. Feng shui recognizes this relationship and works to create an antithesis between them.

Services Offered:

  • Compass Feng Shui Based on the Lopan
  • Form School Feng Shui
  • Space Clearings and Blessings
  • Chinese Astrology
  • Earth Acupuncture 

This is what Danielle from Dallas had to say:

I am always in action behind the scenes at work and I handle a number of challenging tasks, but that not everyone gets to see what I do and that can be hard for maintaining respect/appreciation.  After the follow-up consultation, I made just a few of the changes you suggested and I have to say that things have shifted in a very positive light.  Out of the blue, I was asked to do SEVERAL presentations where people who don’t normally get to see me in action, did so AND they expressed that they were impressed with my work and presentation style.  I had to drop everything else in order to work up the presentations and make time to fit it all in; but, I am not complaining!  It WAS what I asked for!  I also want to thank you for tailoring the changes you recommended I make to fit to my personality and style.  My first experience with feng shui was comfortable and fun. The bonus is that it works!!!




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