Feng Shui in Action

Brook Barrows owner of URBAN YOGA Fort Worth, Tx says   “Everyone loves the feel of the studio since your consultation. I am grateful for the changes to the space.  Thank you.”  Urban Yoga | Be the Change| Fort Worth, Texas | A green studio

Ryan Hallford owner of the craniosacral center says:  “I have been working with some of your suggestions, and business is really good!” http://www.craniosacral-center.com


Kyle Pugh Attorney-at –Law says:

The opportunities and volume in my office have increased dramatically!

I have been praying for help, guidance and blessings with great faith

And thanksgiving. I have been coming into my office very early and leaving late and I am so grateful. I credit the energy you helped create in my office and more importantly God answering my prayers.” http://www.kylepugh.com/

Wow!  I have read many books regarding Feng Shui but having a consultation was super helpful.  With Sondra’s help, I was able to create and implement a feng shui plan for myself and my family.  Sondra listened and responded to our particular needs.  She created a written plan and was available for follow up consultation.  I found her service extremely beneficial.  Thanks Sondra!!! – Michelle


Charlotte Fort Worth, TX:Sondra has given me so much with her consultation.It was easy to follow her strategies for my home. I feel more calm and more peaceful in my home.

 Sondra’s Feng Shui knowledge was amazing.  Her consultation and follow-up were very thorough and educational.  There were quite a few things she wants me to implement and I have my Feng Shui “to-do” list on my desk!  There are quite a few changes I have already done and I have seen significant changes.

The biggest thing she suggested was to pick up and get rid of my clutter.  I am a pack rat and tend to keep everything…after the consultation I understood how clutter just gets in the way with everything and I now have a bag constantly going for things I am getting rid of and taking to the Goodwill store.  That has never happened before.

I have also cleaned off my desk and made it ‘work only’ and I have noticed an increase in bookings with my photography business.  That is great news!  And, when my desk starts becoming the “dumping ground” of everything I make sure to get it cleaned off and back to ‘work only’ mode as soon as possible!

Another thing she suggested was to paint one wall in my office.  I have done that and I LOVE it.  It looks great, but I can just tell it is better for me.

I still have quite a few things on my list to complete, but these things have already made a significant change in my life.

I highly recommend Feng Shui to anyone; especially if it is done by Sondra Harper of Balanced Concepts Feng Shui.

Andrea Pender Photography


Amie Adelman associate Professor University of North Texas says:  “I thought I would let you know that the changes I made in the house have made an incredible difference in my life.”http://www.amieadelman.com


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