Auspicious Feng Shui Offices In Dallas

There are three places in each home that are of special concern and we wish to have each of these areas prepared suitably to get the best benefit. The first area or worry is the bedroom, the second is the stove and kitchen and the third is your home office. We spend a considerable amount of time in each of these rooms and we receive their energy, be that good or good.

In this article I want to focus on the small office. The basic rules for your home office may also be applied to your space at work if you’ve got the flexibility. The location of the office in your home, the location of your desk and chair within the office and the direction you are facing whilst sitting are the three most vital things to think about.

Locate your office someplace else other place apart from your kitchen area or bedroom. The kitchen will also remind you of the work you must do-shopping, cooking, cleaning for example. You could also gain weight by having your office in view of the kitchen. When you have your office in your bedroom you become knackered whilst working. And on the other hand when you do wish to sleep you are reminded of the work you did not have time to end.

Set up your office in one of your advantageous locations if at all possible. When you have found the best room for your office, place your desk. You don’t need to sit immediately before the doorway. This position is too strong and will bug your concentration. You’ll be distracted by anyone that walks by your room. This makes you are feeling uncomfortable because you may be stunned by someone walking in on you.

Place your desk so that you have a wall behind your back. That way you can see anyone that approaches without being surprised.

Also invest in good task lighting for your desk.

Keep your desk neat and clean. Have a good filing system and supplies close to hand. This may minimize the clutter on your desk and make your job less complicated. Too many files, to- do lists and family pictures on your desk keep you from concentrating on the work to hand. Book cases are excellent for organizing papers, reference material and supplies. It is advantageous to have doorways on the bookcase to dump visible clutter.

Your office should be painted in neutral colours so as not to interfere with your work. Keep it light. Dark colors can be depressing and too strong for an office. Choose a color applicable for the compass direction of the room. A well arranged circular board is beneficial, but keep it neat. Art work shouldn’t be too distracting.

In other words, keep your environment straightforward and calm. This will enable you to do your best work. Choose a good location to get good energy and the battle is more than half won.

Now get to work and finish that novel you started.

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